Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lemon Gathering

While in Utah we got together with all but one of Jeremy's siblings in Brigham City(Nathan had a fight that weekend). In between sessions of General Conference on Saturday the kids(all 12 of the Lemon grandkids)had an egg hunt and we got together for food and enjoying one anothers company.  We got to see Grandpa Lemon and Great Grandpa Lemon.  **WARNING** lots of pictures but I did narrow it down
Cameron, Terrilyn and Alexander going after the eggs and candy.

Uncle Jared was the ride for a bit...good thing his feet are so big so they have somewhere for those little bums to sit on.

These 2 were so cute with all the maddness of children running around Alexander would throw the ball to Seamus and he would roll it to sweet watching them play together.

Our nephew Kaleb and a goober mouth.
                                                     A four generation Lemon picture

                                                                    All the Lemon men
                                                                and all the Lemon women
                       here is a progression of what these boys have/are/will look like(Jeremy, Kyle, Cameron)
 Here is all 12 grandkids together for the first time.
Alexander and Charlie

Terrilyn and Livy.  Terrilyn was so excited to have girls to play with and even better was that they wore glasses too  :-)
 Terrilyn and Jack(he was hysterical all weekend kept calling her his "brill" friend)
Lacey, Cameron, Mason, Alexander, Jack and Terrilyn

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