Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last Minute Trip to Utah

Last Tuesday we decided to take a spontaneous trip to Utah...the next thing I know we are leaving the house at 7:30 that evening and driving straight through. CRAZY!!!! I know but we have been trying to get up there for a while now. Jeremy has a grandfather that has been doing chemo that had never met Alexander or Seamus and he has all sorts of extended family in the valley up there. It was fabulous weather it rained everyday that we were there.

My poor desert raised children I feel like I am doing a disservice to them, here is why~

the picture above is what we saw just as we crawled out of the van at Grandpa Bob's (Perry) house. Beautiful I know snow still on the mountain in June...but this is what Terrilyn has to say "what are those small white stuff up there?" Seriously the poor girl doesn't even know what snow is.

Sorry no picture for this one but I should have taken one...we were grabbing some lunch at the Sonic in Brigham City nicely landscaped with lots of trees you know ones that have leaves(not like what you see in the desert here) and Cameron says "It's like we are eating in a forest"

The above running water is in front of the Conference Center they have a long rock bed with running water the length of the building out front....Cameron insisted on me taking this picture because "it was soooo pretty"

We spent the week driving from one end of the valley to the other seeing as much family and friends as we could.
Here is Jeremy and the kids with Grandpa Keith and Grandma Joyce Lemon. He is doing and looking great despite all the chemo just bald now. As we were leaving he even played the harmonica for us.

Here is Jeremy and the kids with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary Perry.
We stopped in and hung out with Auntie Cherri and cousins William and Elizabeth. Aunt Jan stopped in and visited with us on her way to work and cousin James stopped in on his way home from work(why I didn't pull out the camera when they were there?) And cousin Lisa stopped by and grilled Jeremy for dates for family history.

Auntie Cheri fell in love with Seamus. Elizabeth enjoyed holding him also.

We stopped in and saw My friends from high school Anne and Shawn. It was great visiting with them and the kids enjoyed each others company. Here is Joseph and Cameron playing football.(check out the view they have from their backyard)

Here is Seth and Terrilyn working out to some P90X.

Once again I could kick myself for not taking pictures but we also stopped in and visited with my roommate Leah and her husband Steve. Thanks for letting us drop by and visit!! :)

We stopped at Hoover Dam because you know that's where they kept Megatron. Cameron thought it was pretty cool. These pictures show the progress of their work on the support arch for the road that is going to bypass the damn. I thought that it looked awesome at night.(granted my picture doesn't do it justice)

Here are some pictures of the kids over a vent with their hair flying.

Alexander is enjoying his (my) ice cream.

Cameron was asleep in the baby car seat. Doesn't look too comfortable?
Seamus discovered his toes while we were gone.
We had a whirlwind of a visit but really enjoyed seeing everyone that we did. Thanks to all!!!


BoyMaker said...

Great pictures! Glad you guys were able to make the trip up and show the kids some snow! This Seattle-like weather is NOT normal & is annoying! Its too bad we didn't get to see you guys at all - we would have driven down to Taylorsville or Gpa Perrys house to see you. After all - you came all the way from Tuscon!

Megan Allen said...

Ok really? You came as far as Brigham City and didn't drive the extra 20 minutes to see me!? haha crazies!! :)