Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Terrilyn!!!!

Terrilyn's birthday isn't actually until tomorrow but with school starting and all we celebrated her birthday yesterday. She wanted to go to Chucky Cheese so there we went. For 8 months or so she has been talking about how when she turns 5 she is getting a pink Nintendo DS afterall that is when Cameron got his(now really he got it after his birthday Jeremy promised him that if he was good while he was in Alaska he could get one. I on the other hand felt like he was too young but only went for it because we were about to take a 12+ hour flight to England to see my parents for a month) The look on her face says it all. She was exstatic to get it and the games. Mom she loves the jewelry box and listens to it often. She wanted a princess cake but with out new tips I didnt want to try and conquer that so I talked her into a castle so we had a pink cake and pink frosting. ***some of these pictures not so good but LOVE the expressions on their faces still learning how to use the camera and that random boy next to Terrilyn was sharing the virtual ride with her***

1 comment:

Winnie said...

I love the castle cake too. Terrilyn sure loves it. You kids are getting so big.