Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More to Come I Promise!!!!

Ok so I know everyone is anxious to hear about and see pictures of our month in England but the morning we were to leave I got the stomach flu and luckily(thank goodness) by the time we were boarding the plane I was no longer running to the bathroom...but then with a 10 hour flight and no sleep, an hour and a half drive back home, time changes etc. I have been sick with a cold body aches and all this seems to be magnified due to the pregnancy and when it seems that there is a light at the end of the tunnel(that I might get something accomplished or let alone unpacked) Cameron came home from school today and preceded to puke all over the carpet, and then the toilet. So needless to say I will have to wait for a day or two to download pictures and have time to post and maybe just maybe I will finish getting unpacked and maybe the laundry piles will disappear and Christmas letters will go out and.......


Dena said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you guys are sick! That's the worst when your pregnant!!! I hope your all better soon. I'm glad that you guys are back safely.

Tara H. said...

Yeah, you are home!! I am sorry I missed your call and then I called you and you weren't home, so hopefully tomorrow we will connect!
I can't wait to hear about your awesome trip and getting to spend time with your parents!
Also, I hope everyone is feeling better now.
Talk to you soon!