Monday, December 29, 2008

first day & pictures of the flatt my parents live in

For the first day that we were there we stayed at the flat letting the kids adjust to the time change. The first picture is a crazy picture of sleeping boys, then there are some of Alex and Terrilyn posing for pictures. We drove to one of the Air Force bases to buy some Huggies so these are the pictures we took coming back, there is one of Cameron in the little 7 passenger car that mom rented so we could all fit in one vehicle and Terrilyn asleep in the car(she is by the way sitting up). The rest of the pictures are of the outside of the flat that my parents are "letting" for the time they are living there. I lucked out and at the time that I was taking the pictures it was sunny.(a rare occurrence)
If you put the cursor over the pictures you will be able to read the captions.

1 comment:

Kara and Theo said...

What are your parents doing in England? I must have missed something! Looks like so much fun. I would love to go back. Tell your parents hey for me!